About Me

About Me

I was born in 1989 in Bari (Italy) where I started to study ballet and modern dance at the age of nine years old. I continued my studies in contemporary and classical dance in Florence and in Rome until 2007 , when I started to work as a professional dancer.

In the same year, I began my studies in Psychology and furthered my experience as a dance teacher, mostly focusing on working with children and, thanks to the experience with “Danceability”, also with the disabled.

In 2015, I moved to Berlin, where, besides enriching my dance career, I realized that dancing with the only purpose of performing was not enough, thus, I decided to continue my studies in Psychology by undertaking a Masters course in Dance Movement Therapy in 2017, at the “Art Therapy Italiana” in Bologna, ending in 2021. During this time, I lead many projects as a Dance Movement Therapist intern in different schools, kindergartens and associations in Berlin.

From October 2021 until April 2023 I worked as a Movement Therapist at the Friedrich von Bodelschwingh Klinik, a clinic for Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, in Berlin. I am currently working as a Dance Movement Therapist at the psychiatric clinic “MHI- Mental Health Institute”, where I started in August 2022 and at the “Besondere Wohnformen – Unionhilfswerk” (assisted living for people with chronic psychiatric disorders).

I collaborate as a freelance dance therapist with different associations. Some of these are:

  • “Artemisia Projekt e.V.” (https://www.artemisiaprojekt.de/de/home_de/)
  • “Salutare e.V.” (https://assosalutare.com/)
  • “Frauenprojekt Mariposa” and “AWO e.V. Berlin” (https://www.awo-spree-wuhle.de/mariposa/)
  • “Into Dance” (https://www.intodance.art/en/about-us/)

Contact Me

Get In Touch

Feel free to reach out to me directly through my contact form or via email. 

Berlin, Germany

+49 15221043335

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