Dance Movement Therapy

Maria Cristina Canta

“Dance Movement Therapy is a creative art psychotherapy that utilizes movement and dance to support the physical, intellectual, and emotional health of an individual.”

– Kathie Bohn, Dance Movement Therapist-


About me

My name is Maria Cristina Canta. I am an Italian dance movement therapist and member of the APID (Italian Professional Association of Dance Movement Therapy), living in Berlin since 2015.

My experience in the therapeutic and pedagogic field, as well as being a professional dancer, has helped me form my own way of working with the body and its movement.

What is Dance Movement Therapy?

Dance Movement Therapy is a type of therapy which uses the movement and the expressiveness of the body as a medium and an instrument of the integration and development of emotional, psychological and social growth.

In the Dance Movement Therapy setting, creative and therapeutic processes take place simultaneously, creating a “facilitating environment” (Winnicott), in which it is possible to express and organize emotional and physical experiences. This activates primitive channels of expression which would otherwise not have been activated through the verbal channel, yet still creates continuous mental connections, stimulated by the movement and all of the sensations and images coming from it.

Why Dance Movement Therapy?

  • To gain self-confidence and awareness of yourself, by using your body and its free movement in a creative and dynamic way. In fact, dance movement therapy has a positive effect on those suffering from low self-esteem and depression.
  • For a better comprehension of your inner processes, activating first your body instead of starting from your head. Our first language is, as a matter of fact, non-verbal language, as we learn to move before we learn to speak.
  • To reach a better body awareness and to find your own tools to be able to, in the future, recognize your emotions, by listening to your body and its needs. 
  • To release and encourage your creativity without judgement and simply feel more comfortable with your body in your daily life.

Frequently Asked Questions

Learn more about the sessions I offer.

There's no age limit. I offer sessions to children starting from 5 years old to elderly.

It depends on the setting of the session, you can reach out to me directly for further information.

Absolutely not; it's open to people who have never had any experience with dance and movement, as well as to professional dancers or performers. Movement will be the tool of our sessions in the same way words are used during a psychotherapy session, there's no right or wrong, there's you and your own personal way of moving in the space.

Unfortunately not but I always try to meet the needs of each single client, depending on their economic situation.

Absolutely. Dance Movement Therapy can be an excellent complement to psychotherapy, offering additional tools for working on oneself and one's internal processes. 

It can also play a supporting role of, as well as give guidance to, one's own processing of knowledge and personal awareness.

I offer individual and group sessions in Italian and English and often offer workshops in German, too.

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